Looking for some helpful company along the long and winding road? Many people seek support when they are feeling alone with their problems and can feel start to feel better just by arranging a first counselling session - they have taken matters into their own hands and feel more in control and optimistic.
You may, though, have some anxiety about meeting a counsellor for the first time. That’s completely normal – you are about to meet someone with whom you may decide to share very private information. You may have a fear of being shamed by making yourself vulnerable. Whatever your feelings, they are not wrong. The therapist’s job is to help you start to feel safe and comfortable at what is only the start of a process. You are completely entitled to ask any questions you like and you don’t have to commit to coming again if you don’t get on with your counsellor. For counselling to work, you have to want to be there.
Having said that, the first session can be unusual in that you may focus on facts of what has led you to seek support, and nerves can inhibit your comfort level. The real work often begins in the following sessions.